Audio File Fingerprinting Tool



Usage: ./acr_extr [options] [-i infile]
For Example:
    # ./acr_extr -i inputfile
    # ./acr_extr -i inputfile -o outputfile

Getting help:
   -h      -- print basic options
   -v      -- print vertion

   -i           input file. 
   -o           Output file. If do not have this option, dir of output file is the same with input file.

   -au          If you add this option, it will save the audio data as decoded from input file(formatter: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz). 

                 example: ./acrcloud_extr -au -i inputfile

   --debug      If you add this option, it will print all infomation.

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