Recognize Custom Content Offline

Identify your custom content on the mobile apps without internet connections

Offline Recognition Service enables apps to recognize audios without the need for internet connections.


This tutorial shows how to manage your own audios. In case you don’t have test audios in hand, we prepared some files, you can download the files below.

Create an account

Sign up an account on this page and click the link on the verification email to complete the registration.

Create a bucket

Go to your dashboard, create a bucket. You will need to choose “Offline” or “Online & Offline” in Network Type for Offline recognition.

Upload files to the bucket

Upload my_song_1.mp3 into the bucket you just created.

Create a project

Create an Offline Recognition project and bind the bucket you just created.

Download the offline DB

Integrate with the SDKs

Follow one of our programming demos ( LOCAL mode ) of the mobile SDKs to recognize a song. You can use my_song_1_noisy.wav you just downloaded for the test.

Manage via Console API

You can manage everything via Console API list below:



Check out Custom Files Metadata to get familiar with the JSON structure of the response data for future development.


Please contact us to let us evaluate the pricing for you.

Last updated